

  • Lease

    The lease provides the legal framework for the leasehold of your flat. It outlines the obligation of leaseholder, which is you and the Landlord, which is CPM. Under the terms of the lease, the Landlord is obligated to provide certain services and undertake certain maintenance of the property. This maintenance includes painting the communal areas and making certain the gardens are looked after. The lease has a start and end date and most leases upon inception were for 125 years. The terms of the leases are pretty much identical although some wording can vary, depending upon when the lease was started. CPM offer lease extensions and should you require further information with regards to these, please email

  • Legal

    The main purpose of CPM is to provide a safe environment in which to live. The other focus of CPM is to make certain that the lease is policed. This includes both the leaseholder obligations and also CPM’s obligations under the lease. Most people do not read their lease and therefore do not understand their obligations both to CPM and other leaseholders. Living in a block of 56 flats and upwards of 250 people requires each person to be mindful of other people and their right to peaceful enjoyment. The lease provides the structure for living in your flat and within the block as a whole. It is therefore a very important document.

    A failure to adhere to the terms of the lease can bring about a breach. A breach if not rectified can lead to legal action and ultimately the rescinding of the lease. If you have any questions related to legal please email them to

  • License to Let (LTL)

    The lease allows flats to be Let, however there are certain conditions stipulated within the lease that must be followed. A précis of the most relevant conditions are listed below, which stipulate that CPM must be notified of any AST, the tenants must be made aware of their obligations and any Let, must be to a family unit and not a multi tenancy.

    Not to assign underlet or part with possession of the whole or any part of the demisespremises to a limited company (save that an assignment to a Public Limited Company quoted on the London Stock Exchange will be permitted) or any person or person entitled to rights of diplomatic immunity nor to grant to any such company or person or persons any rights to use the demised premises or any part thereof.

    Not to assign charge underlet or part with or share possession of any parts (as distinct from the whole) of the demised premises.

    Not to underlet or part with or share possession of the whole of the demised premises without the prior written consent of the landlord, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

    To include or cause to be included in any permitted Sub Lease of the demised premises a covenant by the sub lessee with the Landlord to observe and perform the lessees covenants and conditions contained in the Lease other than the payment of rent hereby reserved.

    One of the conditions of being allowed to Let out your flat in DL is that you have a LTL. This form is included within the tab marked documentation. The purpose of the LTL is to make sure that certain information is provided to CPM. It is also a form of ‘Self Certification’ that acknowledges that the leaseholder understands and agrees to abide to their lease in relation to Letting. It also places the onus on the leaseholder to make certain that their tenants are aware of the terms of the lease between the leaseholder and CPM. If you have any questions on the LTL please send them to

  • Conveyance

    CPM undertake the process of conveyance in the event that you should wish to sell your flat. CPM will answer the questions raised in the standard LPE1 form supplied by your Solicitor during the sale process. There is a standard charge for undertaking this work. If you have any questions related to conveyance please send them to

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